Utilize our social media images below to encourage support for Walk a Mile in HER Shoes. Right click to save the images and be sure to tag Gillian's Place on our socials:

Here are tips to help propel your social media fundraising:

  • Link information about Gillian's Place or resources to help educate possible donors why this event is so important to help end violence and abuse. Visit our resource center here. 

  • Add the Walk a Mile in HER Shoes webpage link to posts on social media to make it easier for potential contributors to donate. The less clicks to donate, the better! 

  • Share what inspires you to Walk a Mile! Personalized stories and why you Walk a Mile will increase donor interest.

  • Use hashtags in your social media posts. Hashtags help build interest and can connect you with other people in the community who may want to donate or participate. #WAMNIAGARA #BRAVEENOUGH? #WALKAMILEINHERSHOES

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