Our Supporters

Thank you to those who support and empower our community to break the cycle of gender-based violence. Start creating a lasting impact with Gillian’s Place today.

Together, we can create a lasting impact.

We continue to build the strength of our organization in collaborating with our existing long-standing relationships; corporations, foundations, small businesses, associations, community organizations, individuals and recognize all levels of government. Your continued gifts will support more survivors and their children to take those necessary first steps towards their journey to a safe and happier life.

Thank you to our Donors for supporting Gillian’s Place.

We offer our heartfelt thanks to all of our donors for their generous support and contributions to the shelter facility and essential support services of Gillian’s Place. Check out our Donor Spotlight below. 

Donor Spotlight

Bench Brewing Company

We are truly grateful to receive a generous annual donation of $5,000 from Bench Brewing Company for our necessary priority programs and services at Gillian's Place. 

Bench Brewing Company has been a loyal supporter of Gillian's Place, sharing a mutual vision of a community where women, non-binary individuals, and their children are free from violence and abuse. 

This November, Bench Brewing Company launched Brave Noise Pale Ale, brewed in partnership with Beer Diversity. This brew project was created to honor those those speaking out against gender discrimination, racism, sexual assault, and harassments; and to bring further awareness to the issues that women, BIPOC, and LQBTQIA+ individuals face in craft beer. 

Thank you Bench Brewing, for choosing Gillian's Place as a partner! 


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