Meet Your Educator!

Amanda Di Zio,
Community Engagement Coordinator
Education & Training:
- Honours Bachelors of Social Work
Laurentian University, 2018
I began as a Relief Counsellor with Gillian's Place in 2018 and have experience with various roles within the organization. I have worked in our Child & Youth Department, as well as the Outreach Department providing Counselling to both individuals and Children & Youth in both West and North Niagara. In 2021, I made the transition into the Development Department as Development and Communications Coordinator, gaining skills and experience in ensuring our programs and services are available through fundraising, donor management, and community connections. I am excited to be in my current role as the Community Engagement Coordinator, helping raise awareness and building solidarity and ally ship among our compassionate community to help GP, help support survivors.
I have experience in the areas of palliative care, grief and bereavement, as well as supporting patients and their loved ones through communication disabilities and disorders.