Walk A Mile - YOUR Style

YOUR Walk. YOUR People. YOUR Support. YOUR Impact.

  • Gather your family, friends, coworkers, and employees and walk in the community, decked out in pink, to end gender-based violence in Niagara.
  • Register your walk on a “virtual” map.
  • Teams are encouraged to help spread awareness about gender-based violence and compete for the best pink-decorated house/business in October.


Event Details

  • Saturday October 16, 2021

  • A virtual community walk

  • 11:30 am
    - Opening ceremonies via Facebook Live

  • 12:00 pm
    - Teams take to the streets to Walk a Mile

  • 1:00 pm
    - Closing ceremonies via Facebook Live

You’re Not Alone

Too often, people who are being abused think they are alone or that they deserve it. Neither of these is true. Presented here are statistics of intimate partner and gender-based violence experienced by GSD community members.

What we know about all of the data on GSD people and communities, as well as data on intimate partner and gender-based violence, is that the data is only as good as what’s reported. There are myriad reasons why, even on anonymous surveys, people will choose not to report, including distrust in the data collection, stigma, fear, and other factors that cause concern for one’s safety and privacy.