Life-Changing Legacy
Did you know? You can create a life-changing legacy by creating a planned gift today. A planned gift is a charitable donation that is planned now and received later through your estate. For example, many of our friends and supporters have trusted Gillian’s Place with a gift in their Will. Without this thoughtful generosity, we would not be providing the level of compassionate wrap-around support spanning multiple sites that we do today.
Many think that they have to choose between the causes and the people they care about. The reality is, you don’t have to choose. Including a charitable gift in your Will can help maximize benefits to your heirs, while changing and saving lives at Gillian’s Place.
We are pleased to share more about how to plan for your life-changing legacy. We strongly encourage speaking to your financial advisor to determine the best option for you, your circle of support, and the causes you care about.
Create a Life-Changing Legacy
Your financial advisor is the best person to speak with about what plan is best for you. Giving tools include, but are not limited to…
- Bequests (Wills)
- Gifts of Securities (Stock)
- Gifts of Life Insurance
- Endowments
- Charitable Gift Annuities
Life-Changing Legacy in Action
There are many ways planned gifts can have a life-changing, and often a lifesaving impact at Gillian’s Place. Given the nature of our emergency work, it is difficult to predict our organizations needs today, and tomorrow. Gifts received through our friends and supporters’ estates enable us to efficiently and effectively respond to not only our clients, but also our organization’s unique needs.
Each and every planned gift - regardless of size - has an impact on the lives of those rebuilding their lives.
Below are just some of the ways planned gifts have had a wave of impact for over 45 years:
1. Supporting Survivors
Your gift will help us continue to be there for our clients 24/7 well into the future. Beyond our services, your gift can help provide intensive wraparound support in some of our highest risk cases.
2. Building Better
Despite the importance of maintaining and upgrading our facilities, we receive limited ministry funding for this. Your gift will allow us to tackle an urgent need that will greatly benefit our clients' shelter experience.
3. Preventing Violence
While we receive formal funding for our crisis intervention work, we receive nothing for prevention. Your gift can help increase our evidence-based violence prevention programs.
Calculate Your WillPower
Too many people think that only the wealthy can make an impact through their estate. The reality is that anyone can plan and create a lasting legacy no matter their current income or assets.
You can make a difference with a gift in your Will to Gillian’s Place, while still providing for those you care about. Use our calculator to see your potential impact.
Create Your Life-Changing Legacy
1. Plan Your Legacy:
Determine a plan that is best for you, your heirs, and the causes you care about. We strongly suggest contacting a financial advisor who can help you plan for the greatest impact – for all.
For a list of financial advisors in your area, please visit:
2. Create Your Legacy
Leaving a charitable gift in your Will can be as simple as adding a clause to your Will.
If you do not have an estate lawyer or notary, please visit:
We are happy to provide some sample language on including Gillian’s Place in your Will. Please download here:
Please note:
It is important that Gillian’s Place is named as our legal name:
Women’s Place (St. Catharines & District) Inc. o/a Gillian’s Place
Charitable Registration: 12971 8037 RR0001
3. Share Your Legacy
Sharing is caring! Share with us, your family, and others. You can create an even bigger impact for everyone involved.
Oftentimes, our friends and supporters do not share their generous act of trust with us. Letting us know of your plan helps us plan for future impact.
We also encourage our loyal supporters to share with others why they chose to include Gillian’s Place in their estate plans. The more we talk about these types of charitable giving tools, a bigger wave of impact will be felt throughout our community, and beyond.
Life-Changing Legacy: A Gift of Life Insurance
Longtime friend and supporter, Bonnie Handley created a planned gift...
“I became interested in Gillian’s Place after a friend and co-workers’ mom was murdered by her ex-husband in 2014. I began joining her at functions such as Walk for Women, Pancake Breakfast, Walk a Mile in HER shoes with Judy’s Gentlemen and the Breakfast to End Violence Against Women. I listened to my friend tell her story of her mom and their life with a monster. It was there I found my understanding for what Gillian’s Place was all about.
After many events and listening to so many women speak of tragedy in their lives, as many are unable to, I began to understand how much physical and mental abuse there was in the world we live in. I decided I needed to do more to help. I have since put Gillian’s Place as my beneficiary of my life insurance policy, realizing my money could be used helping women and their children escape their abusers.”

Let’s have coffee and connect!
Want to learn more about making a significant impact at Gillian’s Place?
Our Director of Development & Communications, Graeme Dargavel, would welcome the opportunity to have coffee and connect to share more about the impact.
Feel free to connect with him directly at or 905.684.4000 ext. 254.