Education, Training and Prevention 



Trainings and Workshops

Gillian’s Place is available to train and educate healthcare professionals, law enforcement officials, faith-based leaders, educators, students, community organizations, corporations, and professional associations on the dynamics of gender-based violence and the resources available through Gillian’s Place.

Topics Include...

Healthy Relationships

Red Flags for Abuse/Risk Factors

Supporting Survivors & Being More Survivor-Centred

Gillian’s Place Services & Referring to Our Services

Customized trainings are also be available by request!

Note: Agency training and information sessions are available in the following areas: St. Catharines, Thorold, Niagara-on-the-Lake, and West Niagara including Jordan, Vineland, Beamsville, Grimsby and Smithville. If you are in South Niagara, please contact Birchway Niagara (formerly Women’s Place of South Niagara).

Allied Agency Program

Gillian’s Place has developed an Allied Agency Program, standardizing the training and education we already offer to agencies and organizations in our community. This program grew out of a demand for high-quality, evidence-based, and trauma-informed training from local organizations seeking more information about Gillian’s Place, about gender-based violence, and about ways to better support survivors. Our goal of this program is to provide learning opportunities and professional development courses for community-facing folks, building practical skills for improving our community’s response to gender-based violence. We believe everyone should have this information in order to create a safer and more compassionate community where everyone is free from abuse and violence.

GP’s Allied Agency Program provides training in the following areas, completed as separate courses or as one larger training workshop:

  • Welcome to GP: An Introduction

    This course will provide a basic overview of Gillian’s Place mandate, our mission, vision, and values, some basic definitions/terms, and an intro to the services we provide to our community. 

  • Gender-Based Violence: Beyond the Basics

    This course will dive deeper into gender-based violence (GBV), exploring various types of abuse/violence and risk factors, and the impacts of GBV. 

  • Serving Our Community
    This course will offer deeper insight into GP services and will explore the impact GP can have on survivors through a case example. 

  • Being an Effective Ally
    This course will apply a trauma-informed, survivor-centred lens to responding to disclosures of abuse, and help you feel more equipped in supporting survivors within your role.

  • Safety Planning 101
    This course will provide a basic introduction to Safety Planning for survivors and service-providers.


Allied Agency Training Partners

Schedule YOUR Education, Training and Prevention Programs

If you are interested in scheduling a training or workshop, or the Allied Agency Program,
please contact Amanda Di Zio, Community Engagement Coordinator at 905.684.4000 ext. 255 or 

You can also complete our Community Education Request Form

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